Jackie Parry – author



I’ve been uncovered and exposed. I’ve been cajoled, poked, pushed and pulled.

It’s been a roller-coaster couple of days.

Dig deep,” she said, “search your soul….”

For twenty-four hours I was worrying and fretting; how was I going to do this?

Then…. I GOT it!

Opening Up
My heart opened, my words flowed and my goodness it was cathartic. It was a relief, liberating, and on a par with a two-day marathon counselling session.

I laughed, I cried, I did both at once!

Even I understand myself better now.

The Beginning
It started last year (or seventeen years ago, depending how far you delve into my psyche!) In 2013, Noel and I rescued five horses and trekked part of the Bicentennial National Trail.


Jackie’s on Charlie taking the picture, so you can see part of Ned. Noel and his three behind.

The Story
I’ve written the story, and the editors (at Narrative Ink Editing LCC) said, “This was an absolute joy to read! It’s such a unique story. The characters are funny and kind and endearing. This book at times had me laughing out loud, but it is serious too…. Some of your descriptive passages were absolutely breathtaking. At times I felt like I was right there on the trail with them all.”


Noel on Stevie, leading Spirit and Dom (Dom’s trying to roll)

A Whole New Level
Now, together, we’ve taken the story to another level. Fears, accomplishments and my very soul weaves through the book; so not only will you laugh, cry, and be shocked, you will ride the trail with Noel and I, and you will also cling to the emotional roller coaster with me.


Jackie on Charlie, holding Ned, and from r to l Spirit, Dom and Stevie



Jackie on Charlie and leading Ned


(l to r) Stevie, Spirit, Dom, Charlie, NedA Standard Journey front cover v2 reduced

For more about our current escapades, take a look here.



Author: jackieandnoel

Author and Traveller

6 thoughts on “Exposed!

  1. I can hardly wait for this to be available. Your writing style has me right there with you, whether on a boat sailing around the world or on any other mode of transportation!


  2. Wow, what a journey and adventure! Can’t wait to read….yes I am behind, yet will catch up soon 😀


  3. Another book of yours I definitely need to get, will be especially nice to travel the Wonnangatta-Moroka area again – our absolute favourite place to camp. We miss it…the homestead, the Elm trees, the isolation, the clear very refreshing waters off the snow, the platypus…. Ahhh. (Cruisers AA is amazing by the way – I can pretty much stop keeping tips from others now, you have ‘it all’). 😄


    • Thanks Alice! I am so excited about this one – it is an emotional ride on so many different levels and donating proceeds to charities to help horses is satisfying and (hopefully) enough to make a difference – I will be posting regular results – fingers crossed! I know what you mean about the trail and camping – just a waft of cut grass carried on the breeze, or an inviting track makes me homesick for this trip and Australia… it was one of the toughest and extraordinary things I have ever done… I plan to go back and tackle it again one day. And thanks for your kind works on Cruisers’ AA, Noel and I really ’emptied’ our heads into that one, it was fun doing the navigation tips, I love those calculations (sad – eh?)!


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